Teacher Hub Members Update – Term 4 2023

This term we’ve got everything you need to get ready for end of year reports and celebrate your students’ success! We also have an exciting new Read to Write Classroom PowerPoint and a writing template to help your students recount their holiday adventures using Step 5: Show, Don’t Tell.

Suz’s Support Advice |  The Editor’s Pick | Track Your Success

Writing SamplesMost Downloaded Resources | Teacher Hub Community

Suz’s Support Advice

One key takeaway from our Members Survey was that using the writing courses boosts teachers’ confidence in the classroom! After completing the courses on Teacher Hub:

  • 91% felt more confident about applying their knowledge of the Seven Steps techniques
  • 90% felt more confident about selecting appropriate resources for their writing lessons
  • 81% felt more confident about developing their own implementation plan.

Take a tour of our Writing Courses and find out how they help you learn and implement each Step. As Sarah always says – “start with the courses”.

The Editor’s Pick

Make the reading–writing connection

Research shows that great readers make great writers! Ignite the reading-writing connection with our new Read to Write PowerPoint: Green with Red Spots Horrible.

Identifying the techniques an author has used and assessing the impact they have on the reader, consolidates students’ understanding of both the text and the techniques.

To find more resources that can be used to foster the reading–writing connection go to the Resource Library and select ‘Read to Write’ in the Resource type dropdown.

Track Your Success

With end-of-year reports on the horizon, it is a great idea to pre-test your students at the start of Term 4 using Track Your Success. The results spreadsheet will help you identify any areas of weakness that you need to address before the end of the year and gauge students’ progress at the end of term.

You have made some great headway this year, time to celebrate those successes with your class and the school community!

Writing Samples

Holiday recounts shouldn’t run through every moment from when the second students leave school to the night before they come back. They should focus on the most interesting events and bringing them to life with descriptive language.

Here’s an example from a Year 2 student at Surise Christian School in South Australia:

I saw an amazing sunset sparkling through the bright green trees. I saw the fire crackling in the fire pit. The flames were bright orange, shooting up at the night sky.

Use our Deconstructed Recount template to improve students’ descriptive writing so that they show, rather than tell their reader what they did over the break.

Model the technique using this awesome example.

Most downloaded resources

Check out these popular resources! Have you used them in your classroom yet?

PowerPoint - Crafting Conclusions

Step 7: Endings with Impact

Lesson Plan - Something to Think About

Step 7: Endings with Impact

Annotated Writing Sample - Essay

Putting It All Together

Template - Persuasive Writing Graph

Step 1: Plan for Success

Scope and Sequence Overview

All Steps
Narrative | Informative | Persuasive

PowerPoint - Narrative Fast Starts

Steps 2: Sizzling Starts

Teacher Hub Community

Join our Teacher Hub Facebook group! It’s the perfect place to connect, collaborate and grow as a teacher, by sharing ideas and asking the amazing community of teachers for support.